A downloadable game

Beware, foreigner!

By stepping foot on TropicHell Island, you've awaken the might of Greg the Brave, a legendary giant shark that cannot swim (yeah, you read that right).

While on this polluted land though, you are at a disadvantage.

Greg the Brave (he gave himself this title by the way) has had years to master some very (un)natural weapons whilst bathing in his low depth puddle of toxic waste.

Radioactive laser beams, deadly beach balls showers and foul breath waves are common occurences here. 

But hey, there's still hope ; you've got a dodgeroll. 


TropicHell Island consists of a third person shooter souls-like boss battle where you can, and will probably, die a lot. To survive, gather the (irradiated?) coconuts falling from palm trees around the isle, shoot Greg with your coconut water gun and dodge his attacks on time. Oh, and stay out of the water, it's quite lethal.

This short game was made by a team of game design students during the UQAT Summer Game Jam 2024! 

Imposed Theme: Tropical Island

Constraint: No Color Blue

Development Timelapse: 33 hours

Francis Beaudry : Character Controller
Danael Beaulieu : Sound Design, Narrative Design & Voiceovers
Émile Bouchard : Sound Design & Integration
Adrian Castro-Untoria : Technical Artist, VFX & Gameplay Programmer
Samuel Guertin : Mechanics Design, Gameplay & AI Programmer
William Foucher : 3D Modeling, Rigging & Animations
Rachel Prud'Homme : Level Design/Art, 3D Modeling & Voiceovers


Windows.zip 560 MB

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